Here are my selected talks which I would like to watch after Øredev 2014. With NDC London coming up I'm not really sure how I'm supposed to watch all these, but without a list I will not know where to start.

Øredev is a yearly conference held in Malmö, and I know several who attends yearly. It is definitly a conference I would like to attend. A positive side of Øredev is how they crate a theme around the conference, this years theme was Man Love Machine with a lot of IoT. I really like that Øredev publish their talks, however some are missing and they could also group their videos a bit better. NDC Conferences use channels for this, and it works really nice.

If you attended Øredev this year I will appreciate if you leave a comment on your experience.

Title and link Speaker Comments
Deconstructing her Chris Noessel Keynote
Cloud pattern Dag König
Continuous delivery for architects Neal Ford
Telemetry and data flow at hyper-scale: Azure event hub Clemens Vasters
Taking your craft seriously with F# Thomas Petricek
Enabling emergent technologies Fred George
Reactive programming - why the hype Neal Ford
Amazing log management with elasticsearch and kibana in .net Emil Cardell Not worth your time. Demo failed. See logflow on github for sending events to elasticsearch. Guess Emil would do better in Swedish and with a working demo.
Project Orleans Caitie McCaffrey
What developers need to know about design Ben Hall
Exponential technological development and the singularity Hannes Sjöblad
Building web applications with ASP.NET VNEXT Justin Beckwith
8 simple TDD rules Jimmy Bogard
Lighting the way for the internet of things Neal Ford
Confessions of an accidental security tester Alan Richardson
Machine learning smackdown Lynn Langit
How to improve estimates for software projects, the #noestimates view Vasco Duarte
Splunk, a smorgasbord for developing big data solutions Glenn Block
Deliberate advice from an accidental career Dan North
Getting comfortable, being Uncomfortable Keavy McMinn
Using ScriptCS as part of your API development workflow Glenn Block
Refactoring to functional Hadi Hariri
Real world lessons on the anti-patterns of node.js applications Ben Hall
Evolving the architecture Jeff Handley
Witness TDD with real, live refactoring maniacs Angela Harris, Jason Felice
ORMs - you're doing it wrong Jimmy Bogard
Life is terrible: Let's talk about the web James Mickens Thumbs up: Review
Continuous delivery in a .NET world Adam Goucher
Dude, where's my data? Mark Rendle
Building web apps for the cloud Mark rendle
Briding the gap between developers and operations creating multi tier application blueprints for easy consumption Magnus Bergman
Building the Halo 4 services with Orleans Catie Maccaffrey
Security for developers Sebastian Olsson, Emil Kvarnhammar
Scaled Agile @ Spotify Joakim Sundén
FSLAB: Doing data science with F# Tomas Petricek
The most human human Brian Christian
You really should organise that codebase. NO, Really! Chris Chedgey
Introduction to Docker. Containerization is the new virtualization James Turnbull
Testing in continuous deployment Kristian Karl
Enabling Continuous delivery with database practices Pramod Sadalage
Internet of Things: An entertaining and mostly correct reflection on where we are and how we got here Patrik Fredrikson
MicroService Lessons Fred George
NuGet 3.0 - Transitioning from OData to Json-LD Jeff Handley
Make it so (sexy) Chris Noessel
The architecture of Stack Overflow Marco Cecconi
How to build a quantum computer Charlie Marcus
Carefull with those people skills Angela Harms Not online
How to predict a serial arsonist - A case studiy with relatinship analysis using graph-based data Bjørn Granvik Not online
API - The hidden UI Fredrik Mörk Not online from Øredev